Wherever You Are on Your ESG Journey,
Here’s Your Road Map.


Why a Materiality Assessment?

This is your chance to better know your company and own your story.

With a sustainability/ESG materiality assessment, you will understand your company’s impacts, stakeholders’ priorities, and the risks and opportunities associated with current and emerging sustainability issues. From there, you can set, or update, your path forward, which will help focus your attention and resources on what matters most in your operations and for your reporting.

To define the factors that drive the materiality assessment process, Dix & Eaton offers a checklist that is useful for long-time and first-time reporters. Download the checklist, identify which statements apply to you – and then contact Dix & Eaton to talk about your results and the options for next steps.


Why Now?

  • Identify the sustainability/ESG topic areas that deserve the most attention and resources
  • Address looming regulations and comprehensive frameworks that put a premium on materiality – most notably, double materiality
  • Consider a variety of inputs, as opposed to relying only on one ESG ratings system or reporting framework
  • Have the option to adjust priorities if the company has changed due to trends, business transformation or major transaction
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to proactively engage with key stakeholders 
  • Anticipate what issues and risks may be rising or falling in importance


200 Public Square, Suite 3900
Cleveland, Ohio 44114


PO Box 31069
St. Louis, MO 63131